Early Registration Discount Ends Sunday, January 9th

Hi Friend,

Welcome to the Pathways training program registration page.

By arriving here, you've shown dedication to your own mindfulness practice, as well as your sincere commitment to serving others.

So before we go any further, we'd like to congratulate you and share our appreciation for the work you're doing.  It's truly life-changing, and has the potential to profoundly transform the lives of the people you work with.

Today we're thrilled to invite you to join us in the step after Foundations in the UM certification program:  The Pathways training program.

The program has been an incredibly rewarding success for everyone involved, and we'd love for you to come experience it with us starting Sunday, February 6, 2022.
We created Pathways with YOU in mind.
Experience: Pathways is a highly experiential training, designed to support your development as a coach and your mastery of the Unified Mindfulness system in many different ways. You get extensive practice teaching, with a lot of effective feedback on it--both from the teaching staff and from fellow students, in a safe and constructive learning environment.  

Support: As the next step beyond Foundations, Pathways is a 12-week training program followed by an 8 week practicum, in which you work directly with UM Lead Coaches to learn to coach individuals and groups in a uniquely empowering approach to mindfulness that can meet their specific needs. 

Confidence: You will become more confident, while you reduce the anxiety that can interfere with you taking the initiative to coach others. Many of our graduates report an improvement in their ability to present, generally. Those who teach other subjects professionally also frequently report an improvement in their ability to teach, overall. 

Develop as a One-on-One Coach: Typically, training programs focus on group coaching. In Pathways you'll learn to coach groups while also developing your ability to work one-on-one. The framework for doing this is a unique feature of the UM system. You'll receive direct, personal guidance and feedback from your instructors as well as your fellow students. 

Teach an Eight Week Class: You will finish the Pathways program with all the tools, course materials, confidence and support to teach your own 8 week mindfulness class (in fact, you WILL teach your own 8-Week class to conclude Pathways :-)
Pathways is a course within a course...
Part of what makes Pathways so unique is that there are actually two distinct components to the program.

During your first 12 weeks of Pathways, you'll be working directly with UM Lead Coaches, L2 Coaches, and your fellow students in live online, virtual classrooms for classes and instructions.   

This is followed by an 8 weeks practicum in which you'll be teaching the series you've learned with the direct support of your instructors. You can teach it to one individual, or a group; to a friend, a group of friends, or people you don't know. You can teach it in an informal or formal setting. The practicum is meant to ensure your success with internalizing the materials, so you're free to deliver your practicum in a way that meets your level of experience and comfort. 

In other words, you'll finish the 12 week training with not only the confidence and an exact plan to teach your own 8 week mindfulness class, but you'll also put that plan into action and teach what you've learned with the direct support of UM Lead Coaches. Once you've completed your practicum, you're free to adapt the training as you see fit, for your unique audience. You'll find a vibrant alumni group to connect with around exploring those possibilities. 
Your Instructors for the February 2022 Pathways Cohort (P15)
Kelly Barron
Along with being a UM Level 2 coach, I’m also a certified mindfulness facilitator trained through UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center and a senior teacher with Inner Kids, an organization founded on the pioneering work of mindfulness educator Susan Kaiser Greenland. I’m also part of Unified Mindfulness’ yearlong Compass training.

I teach classes for UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center and eMindful, a leading provider of online mindfulness programming. I also work with schools and universities, teaching students, faculty, and administrators mindfulness and designing curricula to implement in school-wide programs. My work for corporations and organizations includes T Mobile, Northern Trust, the City of Hope, Korn Ferry, Intuit, the Broad Center, Orrick, the University of Virginia, and others. And last but not at all least, I teach Unified Mindfulness classes, coach clients one-on-one, and work as a Pathways Lead coach and Support coach.  To learn more about Kelly, go here.
Arun Srinivasan
Hi! I'm Arun. I'm a UM L2 Coach, and currently in the middle of UM's teacher training prgoram.

My meditation journey began 15 years ago, on a whim, at a 10-day vipassana retreat. I was immediately hooked – it was clear that this was something powerful and important, and I've been a meditator ever since.

Not always a good meditator, though. I struggled with discipline and consistency, even when it was very clear that life was better with a practice than without. I would go on retreat, practice hard for some time, then fall off the wagon – lather, rinse, repeat. I stumbled around in this way for longer than I'd like to admit, trying different techniques, practices, and approaches, and eventually ran into the work of Shinzen Young.

The precision and clarity of the Unified Mindfulness system unlocked something – the emphasis on skill development and the contextual, flexible, "algorithmic" approach tickled my autodidact bones in just the right way. Experimentation, curiosity, discovery, and play were not only allowed, but encouraged!

Practice took off and life got happier and smoother in ways that I could not have imagined, in ways that ought to be too good to be true. So now here I am with UM, working on deepening my practice and helping others do the same.
"I stumbled upon Shinzen’s work on a flight back home. I fell in love with the simplicity, the clarity and the comprehensiveness of it.

My scientifically curious mind and my big heart both found roots in this mindfulness approach. I was searching for a mentor in my area when I was directed to the Unified Mindfulness group.

Serendipity led me from the Foundations course to Pathways exactly when I needed it the most. Pathways was for me an extraordinary occasion to deepen my knowledge and practice of Shinzen’s approach with the never ceasing support of Julianna, Don and all the other teachers.

I fell in love with the content (and the contour) of the curriculum on the very first day!

Over the course of the weeks, I felt more and more confident teaching all those well structured mindfulness practices that we learned. The content was very well organized and there was enough time to integrate the new techniques. The amount of support that I received was exactly what I needed … or more!

I made some new friends who share the love of mindfulness. We developed a worldwide community of coaches and teachers using the online environment to break the barriers of distance. In this new community, I felt free to exchange on many topics and benefited from the wisdom and experience of our mentors.

Pathways deepened my own practice and made me feel very confident to start teaching mindfulness."

Marc-Antoine Landry, M.D.
Special Consultants for the February 2022 Cohort
Julianna Raye
As creator of the Foundations program and the CEO and Head Trainer of Unified Mindfulness, Julianna  is devoted to deepening people’s understanding of research-supported mindfulness and empowering anyone to guide others in its practice.

With more than 150 weeks of immersive, silent training in both the mindfulness and Zen traditions, Julianna has completed over 20,000 hours of formal practice.

Don McCormick
Don is the Director of Education at Unified Mindfulness.

Shortly after completing his Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University in 1985, Don began studying mindfulness with Shinzen Young.

He's a pioneer in the fields of workplace mindfulness, critical management studies, religious diversity in the workplace and spirituality in the workplace. 

He is particularly excited about using scientifically supported teaching methods in the Pathways program and sharing them with you throughout the training.

Pathways Schedule and Curriculum
The main classroom instruction takes place over 12 weeks.

Starting Sunday, February 6th @ 8:30 AM Pacific, you'll meet online in a live, virtual, video classroom once a week for approximately 90 minutes. 

After the 12 weeks of formal class, your 8 weeks of practicum will then begin. 

Here's the exact Pathways Class Schedule:
Week 1: Overview and Role of the Teacher
  • ​Course Overview
  • ​Giving & Receiving Feedback
  • ​Levels of Teaching Mindfulness
  • ​Fear of Teaching
Week 2: Appreciation Techniques - Feel Rest
  • Explaining the Feel Rest Technique
  • ​Guiding Others in the Feel Rest Technique
  • ​Answering Questions about the Feel Rest Technique
Week 3: Introduction to the Practicum
  • ​Preparation for the Practicum
  • ​ Group Supervision
Week 4: Techniques for Nurturing Positivity - Feel Good
  • Explaining the Feel Good Technique
  • ​Guiding Others in the Feel Good Technique
  • ​Answering Questions about the Feel Good Technique
Week 5: Dealing with Adverse Reactions to Mindfulness
  • ​Negative reactions people have to mindfulness and how to handle them
Week 6: Transcend Techniques - Feel Flow 
  • Explaining the Feel Flow Technique
  • ​Guiding Others in the Feel Flow Technique
  • ​Answering Questions about the Feel Flow Technique
Week 7: The Ethics of Teaching Mindfulness
  • Ethical Issues the Mindfulness Teachers Face
  • ​Sexual Relations
  • ​Conflicts of Interest
Week 8: Express Techniques - Auto Move 
  • Explaining the Auto Move Technique
  • ​Guiding Others in the Auto Move Technique
  • ​Answering Questions about the Auto Move Technique
Week 9: Practice in Daily Life 
  • ​Daily Life Practice
  • ​Trigger Practice
  • ​Techniques
  • ​Obstacles
  • ​Opportunities
Week 10: Responding to Questions, Reports, & Common Objections
  • ​Handling Hostile Questions
  • ​Handling Common Objections
  • ​Handling Self-Denigrating Question
  • ​Reports
Week 11: Empowering Students with Strategy Options
  • The Importance of Choice
  • ​Opportunities and Obstacles
  • ​Working Directly with Experience
  • ​Having Background Equanimity
Week 12: Practice Structures: Yours & Your clients 
  • ​Rhythms of Practice
  • ​Daily Practice
  • ​Retreats
  • ​Accelerators
  • ​Support (From Peers & From Coaching)
A Huge Success...
Hopefully you've heard feedback  regarding the Pathways training program.  It's a very unique, highly experiential program, unlike anything you've likely experienced before.

Each Pathways cohort has been a special experience for everyone involved - teachers, coaches and students alike.

Not only is the training an success, but new friendships and professional relationships are forged through the process. Most Pathways cohort study groups still meet regularly to stay connected and continue to support each other as they expand their own coaching offerings.

So the Pathways training is actually much more than a 12 week coaching program. We hope you'll take this next step with us in your own contemplative journey.
The Pathways Application Process
There's a simple application for you to complete online before being accepted into Pathways.  

But it's not a test.  This brief questionnaire will help us support you and your individual needs as you start the Pathways program.

You will need to have the Foundations training completed before starting the Pathways training.  But this next cohort doesn't start until Sunday, February 6th, so you still have plenty of time.

*NOTE - We only offer this live, virtual program a few times each year, and since this is the first offering of the 2022, we're planning for this cohort to fill quickly (the first cohort of each year always does!)  With that in mind, we recommend you save your spot as soon as possible, by submitting a fully refundable $500 deposit.
The Investment
The cost of the Pathways training is $2,497.00

You'll receive live, expert training and supervision for 5 months as part of the Pathways program.

But we realize it's still a large investment.

So to kick start the early registration period with an added incentive, we're now extending the biggest discount we've offered for this program...
Register for the February 2022 Pathways cohort before January 9th, 2022 and you'll receive a $500 discount.
You will graduate the Pathways training with with your own 8-week mindfulness training program in hand and numerous other perks from being in the inaugural Pathways group including...
 Certificate of Completion & an Official UM Designation
As Pathways graduate, you'll receive a Certificate of Completion and earn the designation of "Unified Mindfulness Level 2 Coach."
 One Year Membership in the UM's Private Group Coaching Program
As a Pathways student, you'll have complimentary membership into the UM's Private Group Coaching Program private UM support group for a full year, starting upon your successful completion of Pathways. (a $588/year value!)
 Moderator Status In UM's Private Group Coaching Program
You'll earn moderator status in UM's Private Group Coaching Program.
Personal Branding on UnifiedMindfulness.com
You'll be acknowledged on the UnifiedMindfulness.com website as having completed the Pathways program with your own, unique web page containing your bio and links to your own website (if applicable).
 Lifetime Access to the Private Pathways Alumni Support Group
You're getting permanent access to the the private Pathways Alumni group for ongoing teaching support, connection, mutual support and and networking. 
 Free Access to the Weekly Life Practice Program by Shinzen
During your 12 weeks of Pathways  classes, you're invited to attend as many LPP live classes with Shinzen as you like for free.
 Free access to the monthly Home Practice Program by Shinzen
Upon successful completion of Pathways, you're invited to attend as many weekly HPP live classes with Shinzen as you like for free for 3 months following the classroom instruction in Pathways.
 The Inside Track on Emerging Opportunities @ UM 
We're growing...fast!

Not just Unified Mindfulness, but also our entire community and the reach of mindfulness practice, in general. 

Which means we need quality, skilled UM coaches. 

By participating in the February 2022 cohort, we'll get to know you and see you in action, which is meaningful for the opportunities that present themselves as we continue to grow. 

To be clear and transparent, this is not a guarantee of income or referrals. But our vision for Pathways is both to develop highly skilled coaches through proper training, and to create opportunities for them. 

We are dedicated to expanding the reach of Shinzen's system and we need to collaborate with skilled coaches and teachers to do that. 

We know you share our dedication to providing people with an approach to practice that will yield transformative results in their lives. And after spending 5 months together, we'll have a pretty solid understanding of your skills and how they may fit increasing opportunities in the organization. (If you're interested, of course :-)
 The Full Support of the Entire UM Team
You'll have the full support the entire Unified Mindfulness team to ensure your success with Pathways.
 So Much More...
There are so many benefits to deepening your practice and helping others deepen theirs.  So join us in Pathways and let's take things to the next level...
"I signed up for the Pathways training program because I felt that being able to share Shinzen Young's Unified Mindfulness system would be a great addition to the training's and certifications I had already completed. That said, the program really exceeded any and all expectations I had.

The Pathways program is a unique opportunity to learn how to effectively share Shinzen unique approach to developing mindfulness. The program's creators have leveraged his systematized approach to contemplative practice by combining it with an innovative and very modern approach to teaching and learning.

The course is incredibly practical from the perspective of content, practice opportunities and support. I was really blown away by the availability of the instructors, the organization of the materials that were provided and then presented formally and the depth and sincerity of my fellow students.

I cannot recommend this program more highly."

Albert Grabb M.D.
"I have noticed, over months, increasing levels of respect and gratitude and appreciation for the skill and craftsmanship—and yes, true beauty that has gone into the unfolding of the Foundations and Pathways experiences. As a life-long student, I’ve encountered many brilliant and talented and experienced teachers, each of whom has brought something wonderful into my life. And that does not discount the “teachers” who are not so designated by culture: my husband and our son; parents and family members, and perhaps most profoundly, the desert and riparian landscape and broader natural world that I grew up “feeling” with the senses, entraining to, appreciating, learning from.

Pathways and Foundations is a dramatic and new experience. The gradually deepening community that started with Julianna and Don and their video Foundations students, expanded into the large Pathways group of “strangers”, none of whom I had met, other than a couple of you, briefly, at retreats—then the dyads and triads, and finally the vividly functioning sangha of our study group. . .just the community aspect is astonishingly powerful—particularly because it’s all via online presence. The atmosphere in these meetings is so light, so full of beauty. But the entire curriculum design, support structure, and logical presentation of Shinzen’s steadily coalescing simple and immediately functioning techniques has made it possible for us to teach confidently and effectively within a relatively short period of time.

I have seen people take “See” and “Feel Rest” into immediate softening and relief of anxiety and drivenness—and received many other very positive and incredulous feedbacks. And the challenge of bringing these techniques to my friends and family, to my churches, is a treasured gift. It, too, unfolds constantly—has its own form of Flow, of expansion and contraction. My own practice has blossomed, essentially all for months through practice-in-life—but there are a lot of practice hours in my life right now, with coaching and the classes, the prep, constant background practice, hospice work, music. Practice now infuses everything I do, every moment. I am massaged by reality in every crevice of life.

You have my deepest bow, timeless and overflowing gratitude, tears of joy. "
Our Guarantee
It goes without saying that we fully stand behind the Pathways training to honor Shinzen's work in developing the Unified Mindfulness system.

We also acknowledge and honor your commitment to "do the work" necessary to help share the gift of mindfulness with others.  

So to make this risk-free, you have until the start of the 2nd week class to request a full refund of your Pathways tuition.

In other words:  attend the first Pathways class.  If you decide it's not for you then let us know before the start of the second class and you'll get a full refund.
Just let us team know and you will receive a... 
100%, No-Questions-Asked Refund. 
So try it out and see what this training can do for you, 100% risk free.  

We couldn't be more excited to offer you this training and look forward to working with you in the months ahead.

In gratitude,

The Entire Unified Mindfulness Team :-)
"I was a little reluctant at first to enroll in the Pathways course because I knew it would be during an already busy work and personal life.

But in the end, the extra time devoted to learning to teach mindfulness as well as deepening my own practice was a stress-reducer, not a stress-inducer. In my family life, I found that I was more calm, caring and adaptable.

At work I noticed that my time was more productive, less filled with worries about deadlines and stuff and as a bonus, I was more creative than ever. Now, I'm excited to help other people discover how they can make their own positive changes in their daily life.

Since starting the practicum it's really hit home how focused Pathways is on developing the skill of teaching. I know it's not always the case with teacher training's. There are a lot of them that teach you techniques but not how to actually lead a class.

When it came time to start teaching the practicum I became aware of how much confidence I had in my skills at transmitting the information to others. As you know, teaching meditation can be an experience filled with a lot of uncertainty and it's been awesome to feel so grounded by a solid base of teaching skills.

Just wanted you to know it worked well for me and I'm really grateful for that. My students are really enjoying it so far!"

John Watson
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