Creative Flow: Move Beyond Blockage and Embrace Your Full Expression with Auto Techniques
Immersion 2022 - Day 3
Friday, September 16th, 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (noon) EDT
Presenter: Jessica Lipman
Are you interested in unlocking your creative expression, powered by mindfulness?

In this session, we’ll tap into Auto-Move and Auto-Write mindfulness techniques within the Unified Mindfulness system. Expression is expression, whether it’s physical body movement, thinking, or creating. When nurturing that muscle in one area, we can support and foster movement in other areas (like creativity, thinking, physical movement, speaking and writing). This is for all who identify with creative expression, whether this is your livelihood or a personal passion (or both).

In this session, you'll walk away with:
  •  Learn how to tap into greater self-trust, acceptance, spontaneity, and motor expression.
  •  Invite movement and flow into your creative expression (especially if this feels blocked, challenging or resistant).
  •  Learn a somatic lens for decreasing self-judgment, afflictive thinking and perfectionism (all roadblocks to the creative process).

Clients report greater flow, curiosity, acceptance, fruitful ideas and willingness to get into motion imperfectly. If you're looking for help moving through seasons of challenge or creative blocks, then you'll love this session. This way of practicing mindfulness is a core part of my own practice as an entrepreneur and creative, and helps me relieve perfectionism, stay in flow and maintain momentum in my impact work (even when resistance, uncertainty or doubt arises).