Auto Pen Cleanse
Immersion 2022 - Day 3
Friday, September 16th, 12:00 PM (noon) to 1:00 PM EDT
Presenter: Brendalyn Batchelor
An auto-write technique to clear distracting thoughts before, or at the start of, a meditation sit.

For years I have practiced Julia Cameron-style "morning pages" to clear my mind. So, I created this UM custom technique as a shorter version to support meditators in clearing their mind before, or at the beginning of, silent sits. This auto-writing technique is an effective purification process to quiet the mind. I have taught it to numerous individuals (within and outside the UM community) and have received positive reports of it being effective in clearing the mind of distracting thoughts.

Note: Participants will need a pen and paper to get the most out of this session.