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Embodied Teaching™ Registration Form

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Course Details

Embodied Teaching™ Home Study Training Program
Tuition: $247
Setting: 100% Self-Paced & Online
Level:  This program is perfect for all experience levels - from brand new to highly experienced practioners. 

Additional Bonus:

  • 2 months free in the Unified Mindfulness Private Group Coaching Program for ongoing, daily support

Money Back Guarantee

All of UM's training program are backed by our 30 day money back guarantee.
Embodied Teaching™ is an incredible program which helped me break through my teacher's block. The block came from the fact that I believed I have something important to give my student, and that somethingness without Concentration, Clarity, and Equanimity - the attentional skills Marcy teaches as both a Unified Mindfulness Senior Teacher and Founder of Embodied TeachingTM - eventually became the blockage.

The Embodied TeachingTM program helped me see the contour of the teaching process and the interrelationship between my mindfulness level and my students' mindfulness level. Approaching teaching through embodiment brings in the fluidity that allows knowledge transfer to happen freely. I started from thinking that I’d come to learn how to teach kids mindfulness techniques and ended up realizing it is more important that we embody mindfulness in our interactions with others. Thank you so very much for such a powerful program!
Huaying Zhang, PhD,
Beijing, China
The major areas in which Embodied Teaching helped me have been in negotiations with staff and interpersonal relationships rather than actual teaching. Just had a lovely moment with my son. We went running today, and rather than talk about speed and distance, I asked what he had noticed. We were running by the beach and I thought he might mention the sea or sky…but got a blank on both of these. So I asked what were you thinking of? He said…various scenes from Star Wars. So we talked about the visual images and the sounds he would hear from the various scenes. He did not notice any body feeling, but did notice how he ran faster during various scenes. It was a lovely moment of awareness. 

I am trying to make “embodied teaching” meaningful to my own experience... and so have come up with a phrase that resonates for me, that I can easily remember and hopefully apply to my interactions. As I grow I am sure the phrase will change: “Embodied teaching is the co-creation of mindful awareness that embraces both student and teacher in the present moment.
Head & Neck Surgeon
United Kingdom
Thank you Marcy, this was an excellent course. I felt it was great for myself as someone who is already very engaged in mindfulness and the Unified Mindfulness approach. I thought you did an excellent job blending the introductory and advanced material. Your own embodiment of the principles was evident from day one! I'm excited to implement the approach and continue learning and sharing in the support calls. My intuition is that there is much more to discover with the Embodied Teaching approach. I appreciate that it is a paradigm shift and not just new techniques or explanations.
Chase Greist
IB Educator
Hanoi International School
This was so great. I totally felt like I was self parenting listening to your words of wisdom, kindness and experience. Your presentation said outloud what I have been doing, that I could never quite voice, but knew somehow that it was happening. 

Since starting my meditation journey and particularly with UM, creating my own path and carving out my own unique meditation experience, I have grown so much, I want to teach this to others, especially at work. So thank you so much for stating what I want to do, but with adults. I am on a committee, at work, where we are looking at cultivating employee skills and of course, at the top of the list: emotional intelligence (agility, critical thinking, decision making, etc) but again, we are trapped at "yes, we need this, but how?"Our work is very stressful (Healthcare IT). Clients are high demanding, very siloed work, lots of red tape and the stress levels with covid are through the roof, and my employer wants an emotionally intelligent and agile workforce.

I want to help; how do I help? How do I take this to a broader audience like you are with teachers (in the traditional educational setting)? Whatever the answers are, this was extremely helpful for me personally and many concepts are transferable to adults in the professional setting. I'd love to help teachers become skillful with CCE. If I can do it for them, I can do it for anyone. I'd want to help other high stress employment situations too (any healthcare worker, police, fire, teachers. I'd love to go to prison systems and teach this there - so many ways to help and serve and teach people how to self regulate better. I can't thank you enough for this class. Really opened my eyes to how to infuse vs 'direct'. Thanks again!
Sam DeLeon
Unified Mindfulness Lead Coach
Tampa Bay, FL
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