As part of U.M. Private Group Coaching you receive:
*NOW FEATURING: The AI Learning Center! Find exactly what your looking for in hundreds (soon to be over 1,000 hours) of hours of training the UM archives!
* BRAND NEW Online Community Center: We're finally off Facebook! Join the discussion, get UM trainer support for you practice, and connect with the UM community in an ad-free environment! A true practice accelerator, powered by a global community unlike any other.
Live Weekly Group Coaching with UM Trainers. Work with a UM Trainer in weekly group coaching calls, and attend AMA's with Shinzen every month!
Multiple Weekly Community Silent Sits: Connect with like-minded practitioners from around the world in silent practice.
Mini-Retreats and Other Special Events: Attend half-day retreats, daylong retreats and other special events throughout the year - all included in you membership!
Private invitations to exclusive group coaching trainings and special events.
Cancel Anytime!
If you don't love the program, cancel anytime by responding to any of our emails or by visiting our support desk here.